Our first experience was as young, workingprofessionals. Steve and I would pull into a Starbucks in Los Angeles where we got our soy vanilla lattes. The experience was quick and reliable, but what we really looked forward to was the warmth and conversation in the car on the way to work when we would sip and dream about opening up our own coffee shop someday.
The second coffee shop we liked to frequent was a locally owned one called Tanner’s Coffee in Marina Del Rey. While it wasn’t on our regular route, we always found a great cup of coffee and interesting things to observe, from the variety of coffee roasts to the selection of pastries and plates they would be served on. The most eye-catching for us was a picture of a little boy on their wall whose name was Tanner, also affectionately known as the “CEO.” This sense of community is something that you file in the back of your brain when you begin to cultivate what matters to you.
The third coffee shop cemented into our minds was in the middle of Tuscany, Italy. The name escapes us but we can remember the feeling it left us with. This coffee shop had an ancient silver espresso machine and served us cappuccinos in hearty white cups and saucers that conveyed quality. The coffee was amazing and we savored them in their back courtyard in wire chairs on crooked flagstone with lush green plants, soaked in golden sunshine. Sharing the courtyard with us were three small turtles roaming freely among the customers. Our firstborn son, Joe was with us (18 months old) and was able to curiously observe the swirly designs of their shells while feeding them lettuce.
This is all to say that our Sip and Ship cafes serve you in unique ways. While we cannot be everything to everyone, we are welcoming to all. Our distinct and highly curated house-made treats are very special. From sweet to savory, our banana bread slices are thick, seasonal salads fresh and turkey-pesto sandwiches are always deeply satisfying. Our coffee is locally roasted by Herkimer Coffee - whose operating standards are high, producing quality and delicious coffee. Our ambiance is casual, friendly and uplifting - our team always wants you to feel glad you came.
We look forward to seeing you very soon!
Diana and Your Sip and Ship Team
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