SIP AND SAVOUR - Enjoy complimentary wine tasting provided by the local woman-owned winery Elsom Cellars and sample house-made small bites made by our very own Head Baker, Kat Schulthies!
SHIP AND SUPPORT - Consider supporting someone in need by sending kindness through the mail. We'll have a writing station set up for you with letter starters, quotes, pens and first class postage provided for you during this event. You are encouraged to select and purchase a card from our card shop and to take a moment to inscribe a sentiment, wish, encouragement, sympathy and gratitude. All you need to bring is your address book to make the most of this writing activity.
SHOP AND SHINE - This is the time to consider stocking up on cards and gifts for your loved ones and clients. Enjoy 15% off all wine purchases of two or more bottles from our wine boutique. Any $50 or more purchase enters you to win a $200 spending spree at Sip and Ship - the winner will be drawn during the event. [Good towards ALL of our mailbox/shipping, shopping, and sipping services, no expiration.]
As always, we look forward to seeing you!
Diana and Your Sip and Ship Team
#gather #learn #sip #ship #shop #sendlove #bekind #sharelove #community #womenbusinessowners #learn #grow #thrive #bettertogether #strongertogether #shoplocal #supportlocal