In the fourth and final installment of this series, we are eager to spotlight virtual mailbox customer Priyanka Raha, founder and CEO of PopSmartKids. As Women’s History Month seeks to educate and empower all generations, Priyanka and PopSmartKids have a similar mission to support and inspire students. Serving as a reminder that investing in one another is one of the most powerful tools to create a better future.
PopSmartKids is a learning solution that offers writing programs for K-12 students and digital citizenship programs for parents and families. The goal is to empower every child with the skills and confidence to express themselves clearly and effectively through writing. By developing a research-based writing program which takes a thoughtful approach to teaching writing skills, the company meets students wherever they are in their growth journey. The curriculum stands apart from anything else available on the market today by using a variety of interactive and collaborative activities to inspire and engage young writers. Instead of feeling like a chore, students actually want to come to these writing classes!
As an entrepreneur and small business owner, Priyanka recognizes the importance of a strong support system. She knows that she can’t do it all on her own and can always rely on Sip and Ship. Being a virtual mailbox customer means she can skip the hassle of going into a post office. Sip and Ship’s digital mailbox provides her with 24/7 remote access. Giving her the freedom to scale her businesses from anywhere, at any time. Priyanka can view delivered mail and packages from her phone or laptop dashboard. Giving her quick and easy access with a click of a button instructions to Sip and Ship to recycle, shred, deposit or forward her mail and packages to wherever she is in the world. The sky's the limit!
“My experience with Sip and Ship is nothing less than stellar. Their virtual mail platform for my business is easy-to-use, and I appreciate the variety of different actions I can take on any mail that I receive. Their team is incredibly friendly, professional, and efficient. I like that they provide me with a mailing address that is a step up from a typical PO box, so it is convenient and acceptable for all business purposes. I no longer have to use my personal address as my business address or worry about missing my mail. Sip and Ship is not just a mailing service, they have been a pillar in the community for over two decades and I feel confident that I am in good hands.”
Priyanka is one of the many female founders who inspire us not only during Women’s History Month, but year-round! We hope this four-part series has given you a chance to know and connect with these brilliant entrepreneurs who are creating an impact in your community and around the world. What’s your dream?
Staff Writer: Megan Pavek