A typical day at Sip and Ship has all of these components that shape our work with a few more to best support you, like handling hundreds of mail and packages, managing business mail through our virtual-mail platforms, and serving seasonal coffee drinks and yummy pastries. All while keeping our shops spruced up, with the hope that we can somehow make your life easier.
The very best part of our days is when we get to touch someone’s day in a special or unexpected way. Which brings us to these sweet little faces.
Meet Megan and Madison. Their father Brian, a frequent flyer to Sip and Ship, brings in his prepaid packages, keeping his family top of mind. The other day he stopped on his routine way out to share a story about his family. A while back, he and his wife Alyssa wanted to start a family that eventually included IVF (intravenous fertilization). During their silent but determined struggle to conceive a baby, they purchased a bunny from the Greenwood Sip and Ship, for luck. Hoping that someday, they’d be able to introduce the softest bunny on the planet to their new baby. What they didn’t know was that this plush bunny had magical powers, summoning the baby gods, splitting their fertilized egg, and gracing them with twin girls!
As luck would have it, a second bunny was sourced for the girls, because, who doesn’t want their very own bunny to love?!
This family’s story serves as a gentle reminder that we never know what anyone else is going through. The power of eye contact and a smile may seem simple, but it's the start of how genuine connections are made and bonds within our families and communities grow.